Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Two shows for the price of one

I returned to Shanghai for a couple of days (Feb 6th-Feb 9th). As I already mentioned, I was surprised that the fireworks were still going off, but apparently the Sunday after CNY is another big night for fireworks. I tried to set up a Skype call with my mom to let her know that I survived the festival, but we couldn't hear each other because of the explosions outside of my bedroom were too loud.

Laura and I made it a point to go to the Beijing Opera while we were in China, so we got tickets to see Peking Opera Highlights by Tianjin Municipal Youth Peking Opera Troupe at YiFu Theatre. Here is a summary (I think) of the show from the website:

馗嫁妹》相唐朝南山馗与同杜平去京都赴因面貌丑陋得不到皇帝重而落第他一怒死在后宰天帝封他为斩崇之 神。馗生前曾把妹妹嫁杜平死后和答杜平的友情在一个月白清的夜里着一群皮的小鬼回家完成了嫁妹的心愿。

  《爬堂》妓女奎攻京赴儿将与富不从。富向里正行贿反把三送上公堂迅。知州李 贿审讯。三述身世李使知三乃失散多年的胞姐李淑萍。恰此新任巡按奎将至李羞惧交加向三之。奎至将李 凤鸣治罪。

We were just as clueless as most of you, and Google translator was not helpful. However, I was still very entertained. I felt like I was watching two shows at the same time. First, I was observing the show on stage without understanding what was said or sung. At first, the show was very visual and active. No translation was necessary. Some of the actors were performing impressive acrobatics. The colors of masks in the opera have significance, but we didn’t do our research ahead of time. The end of the show was less active, so I tried to associate the words with the characters written on both sides of the stage. I was excited when I recognized the characters for 1, 2 and 3!

The second show I watched was audience itself. Here you are allowed to bring food and drink. You are also allowed to take photos, but no flash. Therefore, some people brought in big professional cameras with long lenses. During the show, people slowly moved to seats closer to the stage. They also verbally cheered on the actors. The very second the curtains closed at the end of the performance, everyone crowded at front of the stage and applauded. The main female singer then sang an encore. I never knew you could get one at the end of an opera.

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